Counseling Checklists by Year
Students and parents participate in 9th Grade Orientation. Students meet their Peer Leaders and 9th Grade Counselor.
Students receive schedule for upcoming year.
Students meet staff, administrators and teachers during Orientation
Stop down and say hello to your new counselor!
Students start classes and are encouraged to utilize all available building level supports in an effort to actualize their academic potential (Academy Period, NHS tutoring, Support Classes, Counselor Meetings, Teacher Meetings et al...)
Be aware of appropriate course add/drop dates.
9th Grade Welcome Night Program
Check School calendar for posted date.
Participation gin high school activities and/or volunteer efforts: PMHS has a Service Learning Graduation Requirement of 40 hours.
Remember: quality over quantity
9th Grade field trip
Check course Drop Date
Student progress monitored; MTSS team meet as necessary.
Finding Balance Information Night
Check school calendar for posted date
HS & MS Counseling Staff visit 8th grade classes to explain/explore HS course options.
Student progress monitored; MTSS team meet as necessary.
If you plan to ask for testing accommodations for the PSAT, be sure your eligibility is approved by College Board. Ask your counselor if this applies to you.
Freshman Planning Seminars begin.
9th graders course selections made: Meet your new counselor!
Student progress monitored; MTSS team meet as necessary.
Infinite Campus Portal will open to display the student course selections for parents and students to view.
Parents will receive an email communication requesting that they complete a final review of their child's course selection in the Infinite Campus Portal
Student progress monitored; MTSS team meet as necessary
Freshman Planning Seminars continue.
CSE Annual Reviews and 504 meetings for both 8th and 9th grade Special Education students.
Student progress monitored; MTSS team meet as necessary.
Start taking active steps to make the admissions process as smooth as possible.
Figure out when you will be able to visit colleges and plan far in advance.
Research different majors.
Get a sense of what is involved when studying towards a specific major.
You should not be focusing on choosing a major definitively, but learning about your options.
Feeling Overwhelmed? Meet with your counselor to organize testing strategies and college plans.
Research, Research, Research!
Look into region, size, or academic specialty.
Learn about college costs, tuition, and expenses.
Sources: Naviance, College Board, College Websites, The Fisk Guide to Colleges
Attend college fairs (Pelham and Eastchester collaborate to host every one, every year) check school calendar for posted date.
All 11th Graders take the PSAT - check school calendar for posted date.
Create an organization system for all of your college documents.
Attend Financial Aid Night
It is not too late to get involved with extracurricular activities!
Pelham HS has a Service Learning Graduation Requirement of 40 hours.
Maintain your grades! Many colleges base entrance on Junior Year GPA.
Colleges look for upward trends in GPA.
PSAT Scores become available on or around second week of the month.
Counseling Department visits classes to explain HS course options.
Attend 11th Grade College Night
Check school calendar for posted date
Junior College Planning Meetings begin - make an appointment with your counselor through pick a time.
Discuss the college search, fit, testing schedule and any related questions.
Tour college campuses
Take advantage of vacation time or other travel time.
If you are enrolled in an APP course consider taking the SAT subject test.
If you haven't started already, research different colleges and universities.
Look into region, size, or academic specialty.
Learn about college costs, tuition, and expenses.
Sources: Naviance, The CollegeBoard, and college websites
Course requests mailed home to parent/guardian for verification.
If you are an athlete and plan to continue to play a sport in college, register with the NCAA Eligibility Center .
Begin to create your resume or profile.
Request letters of recommendation.
Students should ask teachers in person for letter
If you cannot easily name teachers you know well, this is a good time to begin and/or develop relationships.
You must give a minimum of 3 weeks in advance for letters of recommendations senior year.
Be sure to hand write your thank you!
Start thinking about your college essays. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time during the summer and fall to brainstorm topics and write, review, and revise your essays.
Hold on to all of your papers! This includes graded written papers and research papers.
If you plan to apply to a school with test-optional admissions policies, please note that some of these institutions require applicants to submit graded academic papers in lieu of test scores.
Plan to make college visits.
Finalize the list of colleges that you want to apply to on Naviance.
Submit Junior Questionnaire to your counselor.
Prepare your portfolio or audition pieces, if interested in drama, music, art, and/or sports.
Research whether your prospective colleges encourage interviews.
Complete additional SAT I, SAT Subject Tests, and ACT preparation for fall testing.
Students – stop down and say hello to your new counselor! Your assigned counselor will stay with you through graduation.
Be aware of appropriate courses/workload and course add/drop dates.
Attend college fairs (Pelham and Eastchester collaborate to host ever one, every year).
Check school calendar for posted date
All Pelham Sophomores attend PSAT assembly & receive sample exams.
All Pelham Sophomores take PSAT – check school calendar for posted date.
Participation in school activities and/or volunteer efforts: Pelham HS has a Service Learning Graduation Requirement of 40 hours.
Remember: quality over quantity.
Check course add/drop dates.
Support your child’s participation in school activities and/or volunteer efforts.
Pelham HS has a Service Learning Graduation Requirement of 40 hours.
Remember: quality over quantity.
Help Students develop time management skills.
Student progress monitored; MTSS team meet as necessary.
Students receive PSAT Score reports via College Board.
Student progress monitored; IST, MTSS team meets as necessary.
Counseling Department visits classes to explain HS course options.
Finding Balance Information Night.
Check school calendar for posted date.
10TH Graders make course selections for next year.
BOCES Presentation to Students
Attend Annual Sophomore College Planning Night.
Check school calendar for posted date.
Mark sure to log on to our college planning software – “Naviance” with new password (distributed on sophomore college night).
Tour College Campuses
If possible, take advantage of vacation time or other travel time to visit colleges and see what they are like.
If you are interested in Military Academy – start making contact now.
Request a pre-candidate questionnaire and complete it.
Military Academies require a nomination from a Congressmen or State Representative.
If you are enrolled in an AP course, consider taking the SAT subject test.
Parents will receive an email communication requesting that they complete a final review of their child’s course selection in the Infinite Campus Portal.
CSE Annual Reviews and 504 Meetings for students.
Student progress monitored; MTSS team meet as necessary.
Create a list of colleges that are the right fit for you.
Research the program, size, type, location, personality, and likely cost of each college.
Separate your choices into Most Likely, Target, and Reach categories.
Start on your applications.
The Common Application becomes available on or about August 1.
Create accounts on Naviance and the Common Application, if you have not done so already.
Be sure to complete the FERPA waiver on Naviance.
Fill out little by little; starting with the simple items, moving on to activities, and finally supplements and your essay. Ask for advice from your teachers or counselor.
Register with the NCAA clearinghouse, if interested in college athletics.
Register and prepare for any SAT I, SAT Subject Tests, or ACT for the upcoming fall.
Look for PMHS Mailing Packet. This includes:
Signed Transcript
Permission forms (including military and disability)
Parent Brag Sheet
Junior Questionnaire (if you have not handed in already)
Get Organized! Meet with your counselor to organize testing strategies and college plans.
Be sure to schedule an individual meeting with your counselor!
Counselors visit English classes & speak about college application process
One of the assignments in Senior English is the college essay.
Attend college visit appointments during school hours and connect with admissions office representatives.
Attend the meetings with questions. Ask specific information about majors, financial aid, the balance between academic and social life, etc.
Schedule these visits on Naviance.
Schedule visits to college campuses.
See your counselor for forms allowing unlimited excused absences to visit colleges.
Be sure to request letters of recommendation, if you have not done so already. Use Naviance to request teachers; upload their letters.
Attend 12th Grade College Planning Night
Know your application deadlines! Determine whether or not you are applying Early Decision or Early Action.
Ten Day’s notice required for application processing
Apply for FAFSA Pin number.
Attend college fairs (Pelham and Eastchester collaborate to host one every year)
Check school calendar for posted date.
Counseling Department College Seminar (PSAT Day)
Seminars for seniors on: College Essays, Financial & Scholarship, The Common Application, Naviance and Nuts and Bolts.
Complete your applications.
Request that your counselor send the appropriate records to each school that you are applying to.
Remember to complete a transcript request form for each school you apply to.
Attend Financial Aid Night.
Free Application For Federal Student Aid.
(FAFSA) Opens on or around October 1.
Applications completed; especially for Early Decision or Early Action. Be sure to deep copies for your records.
Check to see if colleges you are applying to require the CSS Profile for financial aid.
Double check that all materials are sent to each school applied to.
Keep your grades up!
Midyear Grades will be sent to all colleges applied to by Counseling Office.
Obtain and submit your FAFSA. If you have not done so already.
College Courses/Advanced Placement Information Meeting.
Check deadlines for scholarships and financial aid.
Midyear Grades will be sent to all colleges applied to by Counseling Office.
Notify counselors of your acceptances and decisions.
Withdraw applications from schools you are not attending.
Look for local Pelham scholarship mailing/email.
Send your deposit to the college or university you have chosen.
Enjoy your success!
Maintain your grades – final transcripts will be mailed out to colleges first week in July.