Expectations for AP and SUPA Courses

World Languages – AP Spanish



·         Open only to students who have completed Spanish IV Honors with a 90 average or who have advanced through a placement exam. 



·         The curriculum has been developed by the teacher and is approved by the College Board.

·         The AP language and culture exam is not a grammar test; there is no grammar section on the AP exam.

·         The majority of the course assessments are skill based.

·         The AP exam is “whole” language driven.

·         Teachers grade throughout the year using the same rubrics which the AP readers use to grade the actual AP exam.


·         Ability to handle a “seminar style” class taught solely in Spanish

·         Independent lab work is assigned in addition to weekly scheduled lab time with the class

·         Be able to read from novels or other sources

·         Completion of regularly assigned essays from 200 words

·         Grammar topics are reviewed not taught

·         Proficient in the four skill areas (speaking, reading, writing & listening)

·         Skills are refined at this level

·         Four hours a week devoted to homework and independent work

·         Summer work is assigned and assessed on the first day of class

AP Course Grading

·         20% Grammar & Vocabulary

·         20% Listening

·         20% Speaking

·         20% Reading

·         20% Writing


World Languages – SUPA Classes - French / Italian / Spanish


·         Students must have completed Level IV with a 90 Average or better

·         SUPA French, Italian, and Spanish is only open to seniors

·         SUPA Latin is open to both juniors and seniors; prerequisite Latin III or IV


·         Syracuse University sets the expectations, the requirements, chooses the required texts, sets the grading and attendance policies, caps the class size and approves the course syllabus and receives the payment.

·         You cannot take a language SUPA course without paying the SUPA fee.

·         Payment is due in October and is paid directly to Syracuse University.

·         There is a 3 month installment payment plan available.

·         Financial aid is available at a significant reduction in fee for students who qualify.

·         The fee is $448.00 for four credits

Potential Benefits

·         Many colleges prefer a sequence in the same language therefore it is important to consider taking a fourth or fifth year language elective.

·         Upon successful completion of the course, the four transferable credits may fulfill your language core in college.

·         You can be on the fast track towards obtaining a minor or perhaps double major in a language by already having completed 4 college   credits.

·         Earn four college credits at a substantial savings.

Opportunities – French / Spanish / Italian

·         Engage in interactive speaking activities

·         Read and discuss a variety of authentic texts that include current events, cultural life and literature

·         Watch films, documentaries and footage in the target language


Expectations:  French – Italian – Spanish

·         As a rule, previously learned grammar concepts are not reviewed and the more advanced concepts are taught and reinforced.

·         There are regularly assigned compositions.

·         Students are responsible for adhering to the daily syllabus.

·         Quizzes: There will be a vocabulary quiz for each chapter and grammar quizzes.

·         Class participation:  A daily grade will be given based on speaking activities.

·         Examinations:  There will be a comprehensive exam at the completion of each unit.  Each examination will include: a verbal component listening and reading comprehension activities, grammar activities, a composition and questions on selected readings.

·         No summer work is required.

·         The class is conducted solely in the target language.


Expectations:  Latin

·         Be able to read and appreciate a variety of un-adapted, authentic Latin texts, both prose and poetry

·         Be able to analyze Latin grammar, syntactical constructions and vocabulary related to the readings.